Services and Pricing

At MarPro LLC we can handle your hemp/cannabis harvesting needs small and large. Our tabletop machine fits in the back of a truck and is great for grow tent harvests or smaller outdoor harvests. While our large machine travels in a 6'x12' trailer and can handle large commercial/industrial jobs with ease. Our generator allows us to setup and Buck/Trim anywhere. The two trimmers can also be run in tandem for even more trimming power.
Private Harvests

Hemp/Cannabis Harvest Consultation, Bucking/Trimming <100 lbs
Serving Central Virginia
Tabletop Trimmer
$150 for the first hour, $100 per hour for any additional hours. Includes trim and kief.
This trimmer is averaging about 1-2 pounds per hour* and is great for trimming in small spaces. Requires a 6'x6' area and access to a 20 amp outlet and a 15 amp outlet within 25' of workspace.
Gladiator Trimmer
$200 per hour. Includes trim and kief. This trimmer averages about 2-3 pounds per hour* but can handle more and is better for jobs of 10 pounds or more. Last season we did 32 pounds (pre bucked) in 3.5 hours. Requires a 9'x9' area and access to a 220 outlet and 15 amp outlet within 25' of workspace.
Bucker Rental
$50 per day. If we have trimmed for you before we offer rental of our bucker. Great if you want to save some time when we arrive and go straight to trimming. Call for availability.
*Most smaller jobs (<5 lbs) have averaged about a pound to two per hour after bucking, but every strain and plant trims different, some go through the trimmer fast others require more time.
Travel fee may be applied depending on job site distance.
Need some extra equipment to assist with your harvests? At MarPro LLC we are always expanding our inventory of useful tools, whether it's an extra flatbed trailer to help move fresh-cut plants from field to storage, bud washing stations, or tools you need to make the most of your trim and kief.

Commercial Harvests
Commercial Harvests >100 lbs, +/- acres.
Serving Virginia, North Carolina, DC and Maryland
Commercial CBD Harvest Consultation, Bucking/Trimming
$20.00 per pound through machine. Includes Trim and Kief
Commercial THC Harvest Consultation, Bucking/Trimming
$80.00 per pound through machine. Includes Trim and Kief
Our commercial prices are set to be a fraction of the finished product's national average price per pound.

Protecting your privacy
At MarPro LLC we will never share information about your job with anyone. Our truck and trailer are not plastered with logos or stickers, so as far as your neighbors are concerned we could be family visiting or a plumbing company there about your pipes.